Mariners forecast

This forecast covers an area of 50 nautical mile radius off the Maltese coast.

Last Updated: 26 July 2024 21:30 CET

Saturday 27 July

  • Weather Warning


  • General Situation

    A slack area of high pressure covers the Mediterranean Sea

  • Weather

    Sunny during the day becoming partly cloudy overnight

  • Wind

    Variable force 2 to 3 becoming Northwest overnight

  • Visibility


  • Sea


  • Swell


  • Sea Temperature

    29 °C

Sunday 28 July

  • Weather Partly cloudy at first, becoming sunny. Fine overnight
  • Visibility Good
  • Wind Variable force 2 to 3 becoming North Northwest. Overnight backing West Northwest force 3 to 4
  • Sea Slight
  • Swell Negligible

Monday 29 July

  • Weather Sunny during the day and fine at night
  • Visibility Good
  • Wind West Northwest force 3 to 4 becoming variable force 2 to 3
  • Sea Slight
  • Swell Negligible becoming locally low confused