8 Things Every Student Needs from our Airport Outlets
It’s that time of the year again… And no, we’re not talking about Halloween (yet!). While the transition from carefree summer days to back-to-back lectures can be just as scary, fear not. Whether you’re gearing up for a new year at Sixth Form, diving back into university life or somewhere in between, we’ve prepared a set of useful tips and tricks to help you get back on track in no time.
1. Be Prepared for the New Scholastic Year
Apart from a positive mindset, you’re going to need a few more things before you return to class, right? This is the perfect time to invest in a sturdy backpack, with ample space to accommodate your books, laptop, and any other essentials you’ll need to carry with you. Samsonite’s backpack lines are not only made from high-quality, sustainable materials, but are also equipped with multiple compartments (including a padded laptop sleeve) to keep your belongings organised.
Running low on stationery supplies? Stop by Agenda Bookshop inside our Check-In Hall to stock up while you’re here.

Find Samsonite on Level 0
2. Map Out Your Schedule and Make a To-Do List
With so much going on every day, student life can be hectic and stressful. By mapping out your schedule to allocate enough time to studying, attending classes, completing assignments, getting involved in student organisations and joining the odd party or two, you’ll be able to manage your student days more effectively without getting burnt out. It might be best to put a pen to paper and list all your plans to ensure that you don’t miss out on anything.

Moleskine notebooks are available at our Agenda Bookshop and WHSmith outlets on Level 0
3. Be Punctual for Your Lectures
Speaking of time management, have you considered buying a new watch to help you track your daily activities? Nowadays, smartwatches not only track your steps but also monitor various health metrics, which may be a good way of ensuring that you are spending enough time exercising, getting adequate sleep, and maintaining a balanced diet. Looking to reduce your screen time? Some smartwatches can also alert you to incoming calls or messages and control your music playback, without you needing to check your phone.
- Available at Hebe on Level 0 and inside the Departures Hall
- Available at Epic on Level 0
4. Plan Your Commute
Before you reach for your car keys, pump the brakes. If the thought of being stuck in traffic or having trouble finding parking is stressing you out, you should consider using public transport to get around this scholastic year. Until November 30th, all students can apply for a Student Tallinja Card for free, and continue to save money on expenses like fuel, motor insurance and parking fees throughout the year by getting around by bus.

Visit the Malta Public Transport outlet inside our Welcomers’ Hall on Level 0 for more information
5. Have More Than One Study Space
While it is true that there’s no place like home, when it comes to studying, varying your workspaces is key. A change in scenery can motivate you to complete a task when you’re having trouble focusing, and bright spaces with ample lighting will help you stay alert while you work. From Costa Coffee’s couches to Tat-Te’s rustic benches and Dr. Juice’s recently refurbished booths, you’ll find loads of options to mix up your workspace at the airport. If you’re a night owl, you’ll also be happy to hear that our Costa Coffee and Tat-Te outlets on Level 0 are both open 24/7.
Tip: Keep some noise-cancelling headphones handy to block out distractions and help you concentrate on your work.
- Tat-Te is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Head over to one of Dr. Juice’s booths to get your work done
6. Take a Break
All work and no play can cause serious burnout. Another advantage of studying at the airport is that you can schedule short, structured breaks in between your study sessions, with everything you need (or crave!) being within easy reach. If you’re craving something sweet, treat yourself to some quality chocolates from Sunday in Scotland. Those of you looking to take their mind off school could also head to Agenda Bookshop to find a good book or a hobby magazine to dive into during your well-earned solo time.
- Find your next page-turner at Agenda Bookshop
- Treat yourself at Sunday in Scotland
7. Make Connections
Haven’t caught up with your friends in a while? Making time to connect with friends is just as important as making time to do your course work. Catch up with your squad, rally your fellow student organisation members or just bring your course colleagues to the Food Court on Level -1 where you are sure to find food options that will tickle just about anyone’s taste buds. Check out the eateries below:
- Burger King
- Avotaco
- Dr. Juice Natural Good Food
- Sotto Pinsa Romana
- Banh Mi
8. …And Stay Connected
As exciting as student life can be, you need to surround yourself with people who will support you when the going gets tough. Epic is now making it easier for you to check in with your friends and stay in touch with the people who are cheering you on along your journey by offering youths under 29 years an unlimited plan, which entitles you to unlimited local data, minutes & SMS to any local, EU and UK mobile and fixed numbers. Stop by our Epic outlet on Level 0 to learn more about the offer.
Published on: 28.09.2023